The Left Turn Albums
This issue is dedicated to those Left Turn Albums, the follow ups to big hits that try out new sounds. They’re bloated. They’re weird. They’re often incoherent. Many stretch past twenty or thirty songs. They’re derided at first, then later admired.
Polyphonies + Micropolyphonies
Polyphony—the singing of two or more melodies at once, like the left and right hands of a piano player. The pleasure of hearing multiple melodies as they weave through one another is as voyeuristic as it is edifying, like overhearing the sublime grammar of a couple’s secret language.
Orphaned Tracks
Orphaned tracks are songs that never made it on a proper album, lost gems or throwaway cuts that never made it to a band’s long-form releases. These are your b-sides, rarities, demo sessions, soundtrack contributions, etc.