The Best Songs of the 2010s: #100–#81
I could say a bunch of sweeping things about the past ten years, but the truth is a decade is hard to package together coherently. I will say that ten years is fun because it's all about what sticks with you.
The Best Songs of 2019 So Far
Here are my twenty favorite songs of the year so far, in reverse order to build suspense. Hold on tight!
The 10 Best Movies of 2018
To kick off this month of Top 10 Countdowns, I wanted to share the ten best movies of the year. They're more my favorites than the objective best, which is true of all lists, but of this one especially because I didn't get time to see many movies during the tumult of the year.
The Best Songs of 2018 So Far
Listen to my favorite songs of the past six months so you can enjoy them before the summer is over. I wrote about them below in classic backwards-list order, and the playlist mirrors it.