
ISSUE #150

One afternoon three years ago, I was feeling that classic early-twenties feeling like I had never and would never do anything and everyone would hate me for it. I sat down and made a newsletter on a whim. Now, 150 issues later, Earwyrms has become my longest relationship—professional or otherwise—and I finally have the wherewithal to give it the website it deserves.

You can visit Earwyrms.com right now to read any of our back issues. Want to read the first issue? Sure thing (though I don't recommend it) . Want to listen to a playlist for a flying boat? Issue #20, baby. Remember the Oral History of the Monster Mash? My favorite.

You can also search for playlists by category now. For example, if you wanted to put on songs for a BBQ sunset or a patio evening, just pull one from our Golden Hour category. Got a yearning you can't get rid of? Try So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings. Need something to calm you down after a stressful day at work? Sleep Well Beast has you covered.

Needless to say, this is a first draft version; there are many improvements to come. Until then, here are some other pages you can visit:

Thank you for being such a good subscriber even before I had a website. Things are better now.


New Music Memory


iWyrms: Annivyrsary 2001