4/20 Hollandaise It
It's 4/20 and every time I smoke weed I have to sit in the bathroom for fifty minutes or I'll throw up or poop, or both.
I still do not learn from this. The last time I smoked weed was two days ago (we're all friends here).
In honor of my body and my choices, here are eleven songs I put on when I'm high to calm me down. Because maybe you want to partake today, even if you're prone to freak-outs. Let's help each other!
Love me some eggs benedict,
Irv Teibel, who released the influential Environments records over ten years from 1969–79, was a pioneer in putting field recordings (i.e., nature sounds) into the hands of stressed-out college students and, eventually, anyone who needed to drown out all the noise. Turns out that was a lot of people.