F*ck Work
I’m training in Chicago for my new job, so I'm writing this in a hotel. I don't have a lot of time, because I can't use the work computers, I don't have a laptop, and the Mailchimp app is tough to write on. I can't even upload the cool playlist artwork yet because Spotify won't do that on mobile (I will get to it eventually, though). So, I’m a little sloppy, and this one is a little light. But! check out that new header, courtesy of my true love and refuge, Mobs.
I said I'm in Chicago, but actually I’m out in Bolingbrook, which is a $50 Lyft from the city that houses everybody I love and need to visit. I can't afford that. Instead, I've been crushing sheet pans of caesar salad alone at night, basking in the light of Fireplace for Your Home on Netflix. On Tuesday morning, I had to ralph a panicked mixture of stale coffee and Portillo's into the company toilet. Afterward, I addressed the man in the stall next to me. I had to. "Sorry, neighbor," I said, "I know that must have been alarming to hear." He didn't respond. It's kind of the worst thing to ever happen to me.
Once again, I had a large diatribe written out, raging against the corporations of the world on behalf of me, the beleaguered laborer, and once again, the news of today knocked some sense into me. I decided to tone it down a bit. In light of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, the whole thing looked troublesome, and I didn't want to worry anybody. We're strong together. I struggle, and I want to help you when you need it.
Bad jobs suck, they fry your brain. They happen to the very best of us, and if they never have, you're smart enough to know how lucky you are. I hope you can still have fun listening to this one with us. It's my favorite kind of music, the fast stuff. "Mallwalkers" was my true favorite song of 2017, but I thought it was too angsty to share with everyone without being embarrassed. There's a song from my Favorite Album of All Time. Some classic Jeff Stuff here this time. Mitski rules.
So, if you've ever been kicked down, condescended to, or forced to sit from 8 AM to 5 PM in a tiny windowless room for years and years, this playlist is for you. Come, take my hand if you feel like you don't belong. We're the cockroaches trying to hide among the jigsaw pieces on the table, just praying no one sees us or tries to crush us before they leave the room and we can finally crawl back under the sink.
And don't worry about me, guys. I'm strong, and I'm here for you, too. Next week will always be better.
With love,
It is the first week of March, and that clarion marks a coming storm: it's the In Like a Lion issue, our yearly highlight of the heaviest music. For all who love hardcore, black metal, and doom—this week's squall carries a torrent of blood.