The Year in Review: 2019
Welcome to the Fifth Annual Year in Review Collaborative Playlist and Music Celebration. This is something I do every year where I ask my friends to add their Top 10 Favorite Songs of the Year to a playlist so we all have something to listen to as we drive home on our holiday breaks. As an Earwyrms subscriber, you're invited to participate! Click the link above or below to start, and follow these rules:
Click on the link and follow the playlist first, that’s the only way you can add songs to it. Collaborative playlists won't show up on my profile since you have to get invited to them.
Add your Top Ten Favorite Songs of the Year. We’re not asking you to declare them the "objective bests." These are just the songs that meant the most to you.
You can place them in any order, but I do mine from the top down, from most favorite to least favorite, and I tend to apply that paradigm to everyone else’s because that’s just my personal lens and bias.
If you come late, and see that your song is already in the playlist, you can add the same song twice. It's still a sticking point for some, but I love finding the yearly mode. Skipping songs is a listener responsibility here, not a participant responsibility.
I go by the album. If the single came out in 2018, but the album came out in 2019, it counts.
I want to celebrate your real emotional connection to art—it’s okay to be vulnerable—so I require that nobody be too self-conscious! Use your real picks, we have a strict “No Teasing” rule.
If you're a visual learner, here are examples of the previous year's playlists:
The Year in Review: 2018
The Year in Review: 2017
The Year in Review: 2016
The Year in Review: 2015
I'll be taking a break over the holidays, but I'll see you in the new year. Enjoy!
Welcome to the Sixth Annual Year in Review Collaborative Playlist & Music Celebration. This project started in 2015 as a simple message asking my friends to add their Top 10 Favorite Songs of 2015 to a playlist so we all had something to listen to as we drove home on our holiday breaks.