The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman

The Chrono-Canon

This is the Earwyrms Chrono-Canon. The Historical Hundred. The 100 Best Songs Ever, in order of their debut, in an attempt to map a sort of historical sense to the form as it has existed in the past century or so.

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The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman

The Earwyrms Canon, Pt. VII: Groove

I’m tackling the impossible: the 100 best songs ever recorded. Not ranked from #100 to #1, but instead given their own meaningful sequence, a personal structure to reveal itself over the next few weeks. It will be a compass for navigating my sonic perspective. An Official Earwyrms Canon.

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The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman

The Earwyrms Canon, Pt. VI: Splendor

I’m tackling the impossible: the 100 best songs ever recorded. Not ranked from #100 to #1, but instead given their own meaningful sequence, a personal structure to reveal itself over the next few weeks. It will be a compass for navigating my sonic perspective. An Official Earwyrms Canon.

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The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman

The Earwyrms Canon, Pt. IV: Tension

Last week, I talked about music as a manipulator, an art form adept at drawing forth emotion. But there’s another side to this manipulation: tension and the suppression of release. Coming inches from what you want, only to find you’re not going to get it—that is power in its purest form.

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The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman The Earwyrms Canon Jeff Lehman

The Earwyrms Canon, Pt. III: Cringe

Life’s purest delights—singing, dancing, telling someone you love them—all come from indulgence in unsolicited feelings. The path to euphoria is narrow—it demands we ignore our exposure to pain. This section of the Canon is filled with those songs that speak directly to our emotional fears, the music that conquers pain with melody.

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