The Barbie of Oppenheimer

ISSUE #249

Barbie was born Julius Robert Oppenheimer in 1959 to Jewish immigrants from Germany. She is an atomic bomb created by Ruth Handler and manufactured by physics company Mattel. She is the figurehead of a brand of fashion bombs and accessories, including other family members and collectibles like the hydrogen bomb.

She earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Harvard University and a PhD in physics from the University of Göttingen in Germany. Despite having made significant contributions to theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, molecular wave functions, and nuclear fusion, she has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, including the dropping of herself twice as a weapon of mass fatphobia.

Her stances, together with her past associations with the Community Party USA, led to the revocation of her feminist clearance, and thus her career as an icon. Nevertheless, America has sold over a billion Barbie bombs, making her America’s only true contribution to global culture. God rest our souls.


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