Earwyrms City Soundtrack Jeff Lehman Earwyrms City Soundtrack Jeff Lehman

Danny Boyle’s 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony

I’ve been watching through the films of Danny Boyle. Some examples: Trainspotting, Sunshine, 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire. From early on, Boyle was rightfully recognized for his edgy and sophisticated musical taste—the Trainspotting soundtrack alone, from Iggy’s “Lust for Life” through Underworld’s “Born Slippy (Nuxx)”, helped define the tastes of a whole generation.

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Earwyrms City Soundtrack Jeff Lehman Earwyrms City Soundtrack Jeff Lehman

The Barbie of Oppenheimer

Barbie was born Julius Robert Oppenheimer in 1959 to Jewish immigrants from Germany. She is an atomic bomb created by Ruth Handler and manufactured by physics company Mattel. She is the figurehead of a brand of fashion bombs and accessories, including other family members and collectibles like the hydrogen bomb.

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Earwyrms City Soundtrack Jeff Lehman Earwyrms City Soundtrack Jeff Lehman

The Music of Wes Anderson

For all his cloying tendencies to some, it’s important to recognize Wes Anderson’s musical influence on a pre-internet world. He practically invented the 21st century needle drop. Before every song was at our disposal, a Wes Anderson movie was like an older brother crafting a perfect mixtape and leaving it in your car.

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