This Emotion Jeff Lehman This Emotion Jeff Lehman


To honor Japanese Breakfast’s Jubilee, I compiled my own Jubilees: my songs of purest joy, immaculate hallelujahs. These songs measure the depths of our brightest emotions and prove that even the longest night is forgotten in the presence of the sun.

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This Emotion Jeff Lehman This Emotion Jeff Lehman


You know the longest case of the hiccups lasted for sixty-eight years? I imagine at first it was like any other case. Only grew abnormal when he went to bed and woke up still burpin’. But still, he thought, any day now. Just a mighty long case.

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This Emotion Jeff Lehman This Emotion Jeff Lehman

A Faithful Heart Makes Wishes Come True

These are songs to play as you jump from the mountain. It's always scary to throw yourself into the unfamiliar — it's hard to trust that you can fly — but I watch others take the leap all the time, and right now I can name a dozen who are better off for it.

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This Emotion Jeff Lehman This Emotion Jeff Lehman

That Obscure Object of Desire

This week, I was just throwing some songs into a pot to see what kind of stew came out, and I accidentally made a playlist about burning desire. All the songs started circling the vague image of some second person, a "you" that maybe loved us back, maybe not - in the end, that was irrelevant.

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