A Faithful Heart Makes Wishes Come True
These are songs to play as you jump from the mountain. It's always scary to throw yourself into the unfamiliar — it's hard to trust that you can fly — but I watch others take the leap all the time, and right now I can name a dozen who are better off for it.
That Obscure Object of Desire
This week, I was just throwing some songs into a pot to see what kind of stew came out, and I accidentally made a playlist about burning desire. All the songs started circling the vague image of some second person, a "you" that maybe loved us back, maybe not - in the end, that was irrelevant.
The Happiness That Attends Disaster
I built a train-car playlist to capture something that only gets worse as I get older: envy. Or, more specifically, the significant effort it takes to recognize envy and supplant it with love.