Weathering With You Jeff Lehman Weathering With You Jeff Lehman

Autumn Be Kind

Of all the seasons, fall descends—a cliché so apt as to buck the label. Summer’s elation settles and forms a gelatin of peace. The brain works better in these prime and perfect temperatures. Give your ears a bath with these songs of soothing shadow.

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Weathering With You Jeff Lehman Weathering With You Jeff Lehman

What a Wonderful Equinox

Try sustaining equilibrium and you'll find that it's impossible. Will we ever reach a self that takes only what we can give? Ever give enough to match what we extract? It's a wicked concept forged in the fires of ideals, like justice or closure or the perfect way to load a dishwasher.

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Weathering With You Jeff Lehman Weathering With You Jeff Lehman

Holiday Break

I need a break between the decade list and the year-end list, so here's a utilitarian playlist for the holidays. Put it on to run interference for those pesky memories of defunct relationships that always ring your mental doorbell in the middle of the holiday party and ruin the eggnog.

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Weathering With You Jeff Lehman Weathering With You Jeff Lehman

Summer Solstice

It's the longest day of the year, and I'm breaking my one rule—this playlist will be long to match. These songs are the playlist breakers, the ones you can never include because they're too damn tangential. But now they’re all in one place at long last. Nothing under seven minutes.

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Weathering With You Jeff Lehman Weathering With You Jeff Lehman

Marshmallow World

I now have an audience for whom I can lay down the final ranking of the Best Christmas Songs, so we can settle the debate that's been keeping us up at night for years, and we can finally stop sacrificing our children at the altar of the War on Christmas.

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Weathering With You Jeff Lehman Weathering With You Jeff Lehman

The Fall

It's finally here: the smell of fallen leaves; stepping over pumpkins; browns and reds and golds; driving around pumpkins; hay-rack rides; pumpkins in the bathroom; sweaters and jeans; swim through pumpkins to unlock your door. Fall shit.

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