House Commons: Slytherin
The house’s biggest strength, though, is the music itself. Chelsea Wolfe, Depeche Mode, Portishead, Kavinsky, House of Balloons-era The Weeknd
House Commons: Ravenclaw
It's serendipity that we get to celebrate Ravenclaw on this astronomical equilibrium. Ravenclaw is the house that's the hardest to elaborate upon, as they're simplest in attribute (smart), even as they're most complex in their pursuits (getting smarter).
House Commons: Hufflepuff
So here we are: The House that No One Wanted. For twenty years, every first-year who gets the Puff has scrambled for self-worth when they take off the Sorting Hat, no matter how strong their self-esteem once was.
House Commons: Gryffindor
Since the 1st was the 20th anniversary of Harry's U.S. release, September for Earwyrms is now officially Pottermonth. Every Friday in September, I'll be highlighting a new House Commons playlist, and we'll be discussing our favorite fictional personality test.