Out Like a Lamb (VI)

ISSUE #272

Welcome to spring, and welcome to this year’s Out Like a Lamb issue, our annual collection of gentle music. After the long tunnel of winter, this season calls for lighter fare—music that makes no demands of you whatsoever.

Now, lamb songs don’t have to be low energy to be soothing. They simply need a sunny disposition, a 74-degree mid-cycle feel. They shrink you down and plop you into a flute of champagne—plus you can breathe water now, easily as air. The bubbles give you quick little kisses as they pass. You only get drunk if you wish.

Such is the simplicity of the Out Like a Lamb playlist. I feel like it’s a good one this year; it touches on everything from garden pop to signalwave to ambient jazz.

So come, take a brief break from the world. Give it up for the nicer vibes.


UFO Lounge


Down the Glass Hole